You Can Count On Geseron
Employment Consulting Ltd.
It all started in 2016 when Lee-Anne had a vision for being career-focused and being home with her kids. Having been working for an employment support agency, Lee-Anne expanded her skill set and found a niche in the market not currently being filled. The original goal was to have the best of both worlds, write cover letters and resumes while allowing her the flexibility to work her own schedule and never miss a beat with her kids. However, what Lee-Anne didn’t realize was that her knowledge and expertise would go beyond cover letters and resumes. Her passion for helping others transition from one career to another became the focus from which Geseron Employment Consulting Ltd. would be built.

When GEC Began, All Services Were Offered Virtually.
GEC was established in 2016, never knowing how the virtual world would turn. I guess you could say we had a crystal ball back then, but really it was that we recognized the need for others to be supported from afar while taking into consideration that we worked with individuals in remote locations without access to community resource centers as well as those with mental and physical limitations that would prevent them from being able to travel outside of their home to access our services. So when COVID hit in 2020 and the world shut down, GEC did not. We were well-versed, equipped, and already a well-oiled machine in offering virtual services. Therefore, we did not miss abit and kept our clients moving forward while the world appeared to stand still.

Lee-Anne Geseron
Lee-Anne Geseron is the proud owner of Geseron Employment Consulting Ltd. She is a Registered Rehabilitation Professional with a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Lee-Anne is also a Certified Interview Strategist, Employment Strategist, Resume Strategist, and Holistic Narrative Career Professional.
Lee-Anne lives by the statement, “luck is simply hard work in disguise.” She has a strong desire to help others have confidence, build their skill sets, and set goals. Lee-Anne is a strong advocate for showing others how to chase their dreams and goals while maneuvering through the hardships and downfalls that come with life. She believes that everyone has the ability to rise up, show up, and push forward with the proper support, encouragement, and direction. As a business owner, she continues to build the business while creating a team that stands by GEC’s mission and vision.