Human Resources
Workplace Violence
Workplace harassment must be identified, discouraged, and prevented in order to keep a hostile work environment from developing. Left unchecked, harassment can escalate into violence. Workplace violence and harassment training is essential to the safety of all employees. In order to prevent workplace violence, it is essential to be familiar with the warning signs. The Workplace Violence course teaches how to recognize certain behaviours, and how to lower the risk of escalated situations. It helps identify the warning signs as well as provides coping and response tools in the event of an incident. Topics Include: What is Workplace Harassment? Identifying The Bully How to Handle Workplace Violence Risk Assessment Being the Victim Checklist for Employers Interview Process Investigation Process Developing a Workplace Harassment Policy
Workplace Harassment
Harassment can be based on a variety of factors such as race, sex, and disability and engaging in or not properly managing harassment situations can have legal ramifications for an organization. The Workplace Harassment course provides the tools to recognize harassment when it occurs. It covers the rights and responsibilities of an individual and helps to create a safe environment for all through recognition, identification and exercising anti-harassment policies. Topics Include: The Background Developing an Anti-Harassment Policy Policies in the Workplace Proper Procedures in the Workplace False Allegations Other Options Sexual Harassment Mediation Conflict Resolution The Aftermath
Workplace Diversity
With more and more businesses having a global presence, improving diversity knowledge is a required component of every company. Learning how to use strategies to be proactive and remove barriers encourages diversity in the workplace and community. The Workshop Diversity course teaches what diversity is and how it can create a more dynamic environment. It reviews how to use active listening skills and how to employ effective questioning techniques to improve communication and remove diversity barriers. Topics Include: Understanding Diversity Understanding Stereotypes Breaking Down the Barriers Verbal Communication Skills Non-Verbal Communication Skills Being Proactive Coping with Discrimination Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Person Dealing with Diversity Complaints as a Manager Dealing with Diversity Complaints as an Organization
Workplace Bullying
Training on preventing bullying at work is crucial in creating a workplace that is inclusive and safe for all involved. Each company has a responsibility in helping to prevent bullying and to understand the effects it has on the work environment. The Workplace Bullying course will review the necessary steps for employees to take when witnessing bullying and covers what should take place when it is determined that a bullying situation has occurred. It provides the tools to implement effective training and ways to monitor it in the workplace. Topics Include: What Is Workplace Bullying? Why Does One Bully? Effects on Employees Effects on Company Company Policy Training Company Responsibility Being Bullied Someone Else Being Bullied Company Address
Universal Safety Practices
The importance of safety cannot be overstated and every organization is responsible for the safety of employees while they are working. Understanding universal safety practices and how to implement them keeps employees protected while ensuring the company’s financial security. The Universal Safety Practices course teaches these tools and covers how safety affects employee engagement as well as the bottom line. It reviews the reasons that an unsafe work environment cannot be ignored and provides the tools necessary to ensure proper monitoring. Topics Include: The Importance of Safety Fire Risk Sound Chemical and Electrical Hazards Ergonomics Workplace Violence Transportation Machinery Safety Program Monitoring
Unconscious Bias
Unconscious bias exists outside of your control and it may not match how you feel when you give conscious thought to the subject. These biases can greatly influence the day-to-day decisions that are made both at home and at work. The Unconscious Bias course introduces the ideas and techniques for defining and understanding various unconscious biases. It will show the effects that these biases have on the culture and business practices of a company and covers the steps to introduce a successful unconscious bias training program in an organization. Topics Include: What is Unconscious Bias? Types of Unconscious Bias Effects on Company Mitigating Unconscious Bias Training Promoting Inclusion Benefits Handling Complaints
Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or take part in conducting training occasionally as part of your job, having the skills, knowledge, and preparation to conduct effective training sessions is important. The Train-The-Trainer course provides the necessary tools to help deliver engaging and compelling workshops by teaching skills such as facilitation, needs analyses, and managing tough topics to prepare for working in any training environment. Topics Include: Understanding Training and Facilitation Gathering Materials Creating a Lesson Plan Choosing Activities Preparing for the Workshop Getting off on the Right Foot Delivery Tips and Tricks Keeping it Interactive Dealing with Difficult Participants Tackling Tough Topics
Talent Management
Talent Management can help any company to have the best and brightest employees. An organization’s workforce can be one of its highest costs and developing a more skilled workforce that attracts better new hires protects that investment. The Talent Management course helps to minimize the need for expensive retraining by providing the necessary tools to recruit the right people and keep a talented workforce. Talent Management is the investment that will pay dividends for years to come and translate into better performance and higher productivity. Topics Include: Defining Talent Understanding Talent Management Performance Management Talent Reviews Succession & Career Planning Engagement Competency Assessments Coaching, Training & Development Dos and Don’ts Employee Retention
Sensitivity Training
Sensitivity training is crucial in creating a workplace that is inclusive and provides a safe space for all to work. This course will look at interactions within a group as well as focusing on individual behaviours and emotions. The Sensitivity Training course will introduce topics to promote sensitivity, as well as cover the benefits that come along with it. It will describe the steps that should be taken when it is determined that employees are not in compliance with business policies and will provide the tools to help foster positive relationships between co-workers, benefiting the entire organization. Topics Include: Introduction to Sensitivity Training Benefits Stereotypes Discrimination Sex and Gender Stereotypes Age Disabilities Religion Handling Complaints
Office Health and Safety
The productivity of a company begins with the health of its employees. While it is not always possible to eliminate sickness, with the proper tools, reducing the illness and its effects can be within your reach. With this course, you will obtain what it takes to keep yourself and co-workers healthy. In the Office Health and Safety course, participants will learn the core skills that will help them identify common illnesses, understand how they spread, recognize symptoms, apply treatment, learn prevention techniques and establish an emergency response plan. Topics Include: Common Winter Illnesses Influenza Pneumonia Sore Throat/Strep Throat Norovirus/ Viral Gastroenteritis Keeping a Clean Office Stay/Go Home Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
Millennial Onboarding
Effective onboarding of new employees is a secure investment that will assist new-hires in developing their skills and knowledge, and provide value within the company. Matching the technically skilled workforce with the new and emerging needs of a company gives an organization an advantage within the market. The Millennial Onboarding course covers a specialized type of employee onboarding. Understanding the need to tweak traditional onboarding processes where Millennials are concerned better suits the requirements of the company and of the new hire. Learn how to onboard to increase productivity and produce a happier and more skilled workforce. Topics Include Purpose Of Onboarding Introduction Millennials and Onboarding Onboarding Checklist Engaging the Millennial Employee Following Up with the Millennial Employee Setting Expectations with the Millennial Employee Mentoring the Millennial Employee Assigning Work to the Millennial Employee Providing Feedback
Measuring Results from Training
While training can have many positive benefits, oftentimes it can be hard to place a dollar value on the it. Sales training or time management might have direct, tangible results but other categories such as communication or leadership can be more challenging to recognize. The Measuring Results from Training course provides ways to evaluate training progress and teaches how to use those results to demonstrate tangible benefits. It covers evaluation of training programs and how to modify and update curriculum to ensure content that is better suited to all participants. Topics Include: Kolb’s™ Learning Styles Kirkpatrick’s™ Levels of Evaluation Types of Measurement Tools Focusing the Training Creating an Evaluation Plan Assessing Learning before Training Assessing Learning after Training The Long Term View Calculating the Return on Investment (ROI)
Managing Workplace Harassment
Workplace harassment is an increasing issue in the organizations of today. It can appear in many forms and being familiar with the issues allows situations to be handled properly, minimizing the chance of future incident. The Managing Workplace Harassment course provides guidance in an ever-changing work environment and provides the tools to ensure the entire organization recognizes, monitors and reports these situations to help foster a safer and more productive workplace. Topics Include: Discrimination Physical Harassment Verbal Harassment Sexual Harassment Psychological Harassment Cyberbullying Employer Responsibility Stopping Harassment Before It Happens Reporting Harassment Handling Harassment Complaints
Human Resource Management
Many tasks that were once thought to fall under the responsibility of the human resources department have now become a part of the knowledge that any leader should know and practice. The sharing and diffusion of these tasks throughout the organization has had an impact particularly on those that are not equipped with the skills or knowledge to deal with these issues. The Human Resource Management course equips managers with the basic tools to handle numerous human resource situations and provides the skills to assist with topics such as interviewing, orientation, safety, harassment, discrimination, violence, discipline, and termination. Topics Include: A History of Human Resources The Interview Process Employee Orientation Following Up with New Employees Workplace Safety Dealing with Harassment and Discrimination Workplace Violence Managing Employee Performance Disciplining Employees Terminating Employees
Hiring Strategies
Successful companies are made up of great employees. Hiring the right person is more than just skills and abilities; it is about finding the right combination of talent, attitude, and fit for an organization’s culture. Hiring and training employees is an expensive venture that can be managed by recruiting and hiring the right candidates. The Hiring Strategies course teaches the necessary tools to seek out great candidates and ensure they are a fit for the company through effective plans and best practices during the selection process. Topics Include: Defining and Knowing the Position Hiring Strategy Lure in Great Candidates Filtering Applicants to Interview The Interview Selection Process Making an Offer Onboarding
Health and Wellness at Work
A goal for every organization should be to ensure a work environment that promotes healthy, happy and productive employees that are given the opportunity to experience the benefits of a healthier lifestyle and workplace.The Health and Wellness at Work course will be instrumental in creating a “Culture of Wellness” within an organization. Learn how to take a positive step in supporting common challenges such as smoking cessation, nutrition, and preventative care. Topics Include: Meaning and Definition of a Health and Wellness Program Types of Health Behaviour Programs Health Behaviour Programs Health Screenings and Maintenance Programs Mental Health Programs Evaluating the Need Planning Process Implementation Creating a "Culture of Wellness" Evaluating Results
Generation Gaps
As older workers delay retiring and younger workers are entering the workforce, the work environment has become a valuable patchwork of varying perspectives and experiences. While having various cultures in one workplace can present communication problems and conflicts, the benefits of such variety typically outweigh the challenges. The Generation Gaps course will help participants understand the various generations present at work and the value that ideas and suggestions from both young and older workers bring. Learning how to deal with the Generation Gaps at work can help an organization thrive in the marketplace creating better leaders and co-workers. Topics Include: History Traditionalist Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Y (Millennials) Differentiations Between Generations Generation Z Finding Common Ground Conflict Management
Employee Termination Processes
The termination of an employee is never an easy task and should always be a last resort after all other avenues to improve performance have been covered. But sometimes, despite all attempts to retain an employee the person needs to be dismissed from the company. When this occurs, it is important to be skilled and prepared. The Employee Termination course covers the development of a core set of skills required when in an employee termination situation. It teaches the components of open communication and covers the factors involved in conducting a thorough dismissal process. Topics Include: Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Before Dismissal Employees Who Should Be Terminated Things to Consider When Setting Up the Termination Meeting The Correct Way to Terminate an Employee Employment Termination Checklist The Don’ts of Firing an Employee Conduct Effective Exit Interviews
Employee Recruitment
Recruitment is essential to the success of any business. Many companies simply wait for talent to come to them, advertising open positions and hoping that the right fit appears. Hiring the right employees can reduce training and turnover costs considerably. Having a great employee recruitment program is paramount to success! The Employee Recruitment course not only teaches how to recruit the right people but helps develop interview skills and how to actively seek out qualified candidates to find the best talent and increase retention results. Topics Include: Introduction to Recruitment The Selection Process Goal Setting The Interview Types of Interview Questions Avoiding Bias in Your Selection The Background Check Making Your Offer Orientation and Retention Measuring the Results
Employee Onboarding
Employee Onboarding is a vital part of any company’s hiring procedure. Hiring, training, and bringing new employees on board is a huge investment. Proper onboarding assists newly hired employees with developing and keeping their skills where knowledge is better retained resulting in greater value for the company. The Employee Onboarding course helps with reducing costs related to employee turnover and teaches how to increase productivity and produce an engaged and skilled workforce. The new-hire phase is a critical time for any company and having a structured set of procedures produces a greater chance of success. Topics Include: Introduction to Onboarding Purpose of Onboarding Onboarding Preparation Onboarding Checklist Creating an Engaging Program Following Up with New Employees Setting Expectations Resiliency and Flexibility Assigning Work Providing Feedback
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and variety provide greater creativity and innovation and a richer employee experience. Understanding the various forms of diversity can help organizations to be more successful and offers benefits to both companies and employees. The Diversity and Inclusion course provides guidance on how to better manage diversity and recognize its benefits. It covers vital components on the concepts of diversity and teaches the implementation and development of policies that stop discrimination. Topics Include: Understanding Diversity Racial Diversity Employees with Disabilities Pregnant Employees Lactating Mothers Sexual Harassment Employees Over Age 40 LGBTQ Sensitivity Training Handling Diversity Complaints
Developing a Lunch and Learn
Hosting a Lunch and Learn session is a low-cost training option that provides an effective way to introduce a topic or give a small demonstration on a new product or service. Typically, Lunch and Learns are voluntary, therefore getting good attendance numbers can be challenging. The Lunch and Learn course offers quick and useful tools to not only tackle attendance issues but provides the knowledge needed to produce collaborative networking sessions leading to better best-practice sharing between teams. Topics Include: The Prep Work Creating the Content During the Session Food and Facilities Take Away Material Difficult Situations or People What A Lunch and Learn is Not Best Practices
Crisis Management
Having a clear and effective crisis plan and program in place is critical at any company. Being able to identify risk, assess the situation and respond appropriately requires training and practice. The Crisis Management course reviews the warning signs to be aware of to help avoid negative situations as well as teaches the skills necessary to manage a crisis event. Topics Include: Crisis Workplace Violence Myths Escalation Concerning Behaviours Domestic Violence Indicators Triggers of Workplace Violence Conflict Dangers Response Strategies
Contract Management
Contracts are the basis of most business relationships. If contracts are managed well, business relationships can flourish. However, companies can face financial loss, relationship harm, and damaged reputations when they are not. The Contract Management course teaches the ins and outs of contracts with vendors, employees, customers, and partnerships, and shows how these agreements must be managed carefully. All the small details are covered to prepare for effective implementation in any business. Topics Include: Defining Contract Management Legal and Ethical Contract Management Contract Management Requests How to Create a Contract Contract Negotiations Assess Performance Relationships Amending Contracts Conducting Audits Renewing Contracts