Rewarding employees through various recognition programs is a fantastic investment. They have been shown to increase productivity, employee loyalty, and increased safety. Being appreciated reaps great rewards and praise and recognition are essential to an outstanding workplace and its employees.
The Employee Recognition course will show how implementing even the smallest of plans can create value and how the cost of employee recognition is minimal in relation to the benefits that will be experienced. It provides the tools for creating programs that fit an organization and gives tips on how to maintain them and keep teams engaged.
Topics Include:
- The Many Types of Recognition Programs
- Designing Employee Recognition Programs
- How To Get the Buzz Out About Your Program
- It Starts from The Top!
- Creating A Culture of Recognition
- The Best Things in Life Are Free!
- A Small Gesture Goes a Long Way
- Pulling Out the Red Carpet
- The Don’ts of Employee Recognition
- Maintaining Employee Recognition Programs