Personal Development
Work-Life Balance
Having a balance between work and home life can be a challenge. With this challenge comes great rewards when it is executed successfully. Better time management and becoming healthier both mentally and physically can help in working less and producing more. The Work-Life Balance course shows how to focus on the important things, set accurate and achievable goals, and communicate better with peers at work and family at home. Topics Include: Benefits of a Healthy Balance Signs of an Imbalance Employer Resources Tips in Time Management Goal Setting Optional Ways to Work At Work At Home Stress Management Working in a Home Office
Trust Building and Resilience
Ensuring that relationships are built on trust is important for every organization. Trust is not just something you say, it’s something you do. Promoting honesty and building trust throughout an organization shows there is investment and care in the wellbeing of others which can develop resilient, motivated teams. The Trust Building and Resilience course provides the skills needed to create an environment that is a safe place for everyone to work. It teaches the importance of gaining trust by giving trust, and the skills needed to develop positive relationships built on mutual respect and empowerment. Topics Include: Empowering Staff Transparent Communication Keeping Promises Personality Types Respect Stress Management Developing Positive Relationships Overcoming Adversities Change Acceptance/Management Staying Motivated
Taking Initiative
Taking initiative is a crucial step in moving forward in the professional and personal environment. It builds self-esteem and can help recognize and create opportunities when the right tools and skills are utilized. The Taking Initiative course teaches what initiative is, what the advantages of initiative are, and how to take it on. It develops the skills needed in building confidence to take initiative, the advantages of it and what information is needed to ensure initiative is being used in the right situations. Topics Include: What is Initiative? Knowing Clients Recognizing When You Can Step In Recognizing When You Can Go Outside the Normal Weighing the Consequences Confidence Finding Opportunities Being Persistent Balancing Initiative and Restraint
Stress Management
Positive and negative stress is a constant influence in all of our lives. Knowing how to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative through understanding what lifestyle elements can be changed is key to reducing overall stress. The Stress Management course teaches the Triple A, three-option method for addressing any stressful situation. It provides a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system to cope with and effectively manage stress. Topics Include: Understanding Stress Creating a Stress-Reducing Lifestyle Altering the Situation Avoiding the Situation Accepting the Situation Using Routines to Reduce Stress Environmental Relaxation Techniques Physical Relaxation Techniques Coping with Major Events Our Challenge to You
Social Learning
Social Learning is an effective way to train employees through modeling positive behaviours. It promotes cohesion and involvement as it builds a culture of learning. Conducting role plays, sharing best practices, and providing constant and immediate feedback all impact training employees through social learning. The Social Learning course teaches skills to create learning communities that will benefit all aspects of an organization. Learning new behaviours through observation and modeling will instill a passion for learning. Topics Include: Setting the Right Group Dynamic Develop a Social Learning Culture at Work Instilling a Sense of Sharing Learning in the Social Unit Case Study Role Playing Utilizing the Right Tools Modeling and Observational Learning
Social Intelligence
Social Intelligence is about understanding your environment and having a positive influence on those around you. Learning to become more confident in social situations and knowing how to express and interpret social cues is key to creating positive connections and increasing influence during social situations. The Social Intelligence course provides benefits that will impact both professional and personal settings. It provides tools in coaching and development and learning “people skills” through active listening and understanding body language. Learn to build rapport by being more empathetic in social interactions. Topics Include: Increasing Your Self-Awareness The Keys to Empathy Active Listening Insight on Behavior Interpersonal Communication Social Cues Conversation Skills Body Language Building Rapport
Public Speaking
Many people list public speaking as one of their biggest fears and can spend their entire careers avoiding situations that include public speaking. Learning to become more confident and relaxed in front of an audience is key to a successful speaking event but getting to a place of comfort with public speaking requires cultivating communication and persuasion skills that not everyone can develop on their own. The Public Speaking course teaches basic public speaking skills, including in-depth information on developing an engaging program and delivering power presentations. It provides the exercises needed to enhance written and verbal expression and essential nonverbal communication skills. Topics Include: Identifying Your Audience Organizing the Program Fleshing It Out Putting It All Together Being Prepared Overcoming Nervousness Delivering Your Speech
Personal Productivity
Personal productivity is maximized by knowing how to establish routines, set goals, create an efficient environment, and use time-honored planning and organizational tools. The Personal Productivity course teaches how to take ownership in creating a more productive life and how to get on the right track in achieving productivity goals. It provides the tools necessary to maximize the benefits of the resource you have, set boundaries and plan a course of action. Topics Include: Setting SMART Goals The Power of Routines Scheduling Yourself Keeping Yourself on Top of Tasks Tackling New Tasks and Projects Using Project Management Techniques Creating a Workspace Organizing Files and Folders Managing E-Mail Tackling Procrastination
Managing Workplace Anxiety
Everyone will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Anxiety is a normal reaction characterized by feelings of fear or apprehension. One of the leading places that individuals will experience anxiety or excessive stress is the workplace. While it is normal to have some fear or feel out of place at work occasionally, it can become a serious problem when the anxiety becomes unmanageable and inhibits everyday activities. Anxiety can have a negative impact on work quality and performance and can affect relationships with colleagues. Identifying workplace anxiety and learning powerful coping strategies will help to work with anxiety, rather than against it. The Managing Workplace Anxiety course provides the resources and effective skills needed to help recognize and manage anxiety in the workplace. It teaches how to feel more confident in the professional environment and how to prepare to overcome the challenges that the workplace may bring. Topics Include: Types of Anxiety Physical Symptoms Anxiety Triggers Anxiety vs. Nervousness Recognizing Anxiety in Others Coping Strategies Acknowledging the Situation The Positive Aspects When to Seek Extra Help
Managing Personal Finances
For many people, managing finances can be filled with anxiety. Formatting and sticking to a budget are key components to solving the finance puzzle but it takes hard work, self-control, and the right tools to reclaim financial freedom. The Managing Personal Finances course is the map needed to navigate creating a financial plan for a better financial future. Learn how to budget, create financial plans and pay off debt by developing your financial knowledge skills. Topics Include: The Benefits of Budgeting What to Consider Before Creating a Budget Types of Fixed Personal Expenses Types of Fluctuating Personal Expenses Establishing Your Goals Determining Where Cuts Can Be Made Tools Sticking With Your Budget Additional Ways to Make Money Paying Off Debt
Life Coaching Essentials
A life coach is designed to help improve a person’s professional and personal life by working with them to achieve their goals. Knowing how to maximize full potential and reach desired results is done through identifying strengths and weaknesses and overcoming personal obstacles. The Life Coaching Essentials course teaches the importance and benefits of life coaching. It covers the tools and techniques that life coach services utilize to help achieve goals in both the professional and personal setting. Topics Include: Why You Need a Life Coach? The Benefits of Life Coaching Life Coaching Challenges Basic Structure of a Coaching Session Essential Skills for Successful Coaching Life Coaching Tools and Techniques Life Coaching Specialized Areas Applying What You Learned to the Workplace
Job Search Skills
Searching for a job can be intimidating. Knowing how to build a winning resume and cover letter, where to find job leads, how to network without feeling nervous, and preparing for an interview are all vital to success in finding that perfect job fit. The Job Search Skills course covers how to find the right resources for the best success in a job search. It provides a plan of action for finding that perfect job through the assessment of skills and understanding the best types of jobs to apply for. Topics Include: Identifying Your Values and Purpose Building Your Resume Polishing Your Resume Writing a Cover Letter Creating a Portfolio Networking Skills Skills for Success Where to Look? Understanding the Interview Interview Skills
Increasing Your Happiness
The power of positive thinking is vital to increasing happiness, but for many it is a skill that needs to be developed. Once mastered, it has the ability to drastically increase happiness, affecting both the professional and personal environment. The Increasing Your Happiness course covers the importance of planning and practicing and provides development exercises. It teaches unique and helpful ways to increase happiness which can improve communication skills and increase productivity. Topics Include: Planning Ahead for Happiness Planning Your Day Relating To Others Going To Your Happy (Work)Space Accentuating The Positive Using Your Benefits Taking Control of Your Career Happiness Setting Boundaries Practicing Positivity Choosing To Be Happy
Improving Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is developing and understanding your emotions and feelings. It is an awareness of the physical, emotional, and psychological self through various cognitive and learning styles. The Improving Self-Awareness course will improve self-control, reduce procrastination, and develop mood management. Knowing how to improve relationships can translate into a wholly improved workforce. Stress will decline and productivity will increase as internal turmoil declines through improving self-awareness. Topics Include: What is the Self? Awareness of the Physical Self Time Management The Emotional Self Mood Management Interpersonal Awareness The Spiritual Self Independence Versus Interdependence
Improving Mindfulness
Improving mindfulness is about understanding yourself and being “in the moment”. Understanding how to be mindful of actions and learning how to express and interpret the present environment is vital to improving mindfulness. Learn how to create positive connections and increase self-regulation of attention and personal experiences. The Improving Mindfulness course will provide benefits throughout the professional and personal environment. Improving mindfulness through gratitude, filtering, and active listening provides the advantage of seeing things in a new light bringing countless benefits. Topics Include: What is Mindfulness? Practicing Mindfulness Emotional IQ Cognitive Distortion Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Mindfulness and Gratitude Cultivating High Performance Emotions Mindfulness and Customer Service Mindfulness and Leadership
Goal Setting and Getting Things Done
Goal Setting is an essential skill for completing more tasks and getting things done. Understanding goal characteristics, developing time management ability, and knowing what to do when setbacks occur is vital to being a better goal setter. The Goal Setting and Getting Things Done course will cover strategies to help deal with distractions and overcome procrastination. These skills will translate into increased satisfaction in both the professional and personal environment resulting in better productivity. Topics Include: Overcoming Procrastination Four Ps of Goals Setting Improving Motivation Wise Time Management Tips for Completing Tasks Increasing Your Productivity To-Do List Characteristics SMART Goals Mistakes Will Happen
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Taking control over the emotions that shape our lives can have powerful effects. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions, behaviours, and impulses, and apply this knowledge to the world around us. It encourages self-awareness, internal motivation, and the exploration of diverse perspectives. Through effective and authentic communication, emotional intelligence will create positive relationships within any organization. Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed to help you to maximize your personal and professional success. The Developing Emotional Intelligence course will provide the tools needed to gain control over emotions, navigate challenging situations, and communicate empathetically. With emotional intelligence, you can build a more happy and prosperous life. Topics Include: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence The Components of EI Tools to Gain Control Verbal Communication Skills Nonverbal Communication Skills Managing Relationships with Others Overcoming Obstacles Application to Business Practices Benefits of Being Emotionally Aware Making an Impact
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is vital to success in career and beyond. It is a questioning approach to form a judgment or conclusion and it encourages reflective and independent thinking to guide us through the hundreds of decisions that we make each day. Having these skills provides the best chance of making an informed decision and it can be applied to any subject or situation. It’s important to know how to address challenges with good reasoning and logic and utilizing critical thinking skills leads toward being a more rational and disciplined thinker. The Critical Thinking course provides the skills to approach problems critically, as well as recognize the power of open-mindedness and altering perspective in order to make the best choices. Topics Include: Understanding Critical Thinking The Critical Thinking Process The Benefits Characteristics of a Critical Thinker Improving Your Skills Evaluating the Information The Barriers Changing Your Perspective Putting It All Together
Being a Likable Boss
Being more likeable is a great quality to possess and an area many individuals would like to improve in. But being likeable and also a figure of authority is where many people find challenges and conflicts. Recognizing these possible areas of conflict and developing the skills and knowledge to overcome them can help on both a personal and professional level. The Being a Likeable Boss course teaches why honesty and trust are the best tools in fostering better relationships and how to learn to trust teams and avoid micromanagement. Gain valuable skills in learning how to delegate, accept feedback and get on the right path to be a more likeable boss. Topics Include: Is it Better to be Loved or Feared? Leadership as Service Leadership by Design Understanding Motivation Constructive Criticism The Importance of Tone Trusting Your Team Earning Your Team’s Trust Building and Reinforcing Your Team You are the Boss of You
Attention Management
A distracted employee is a less effective employee. Employees who do not pay attention can waste valuable time and make careless mistakes. Making fewer mistakes results in a more efficient and productive individual. Attention Management is a useful skill that allows connection on an emotional level and teaches how to motivate to focus on work. This course will provide valuable insight and strategies into what it takes to be more attentive and vigilant. Topics Include: Introduction to Attention Management Types of Attention Strategies for Goal Setting Meditation Training Your Attention Attention Zones Model SMART Goals Keeping Yourself Focused Procrastination Prioritizing Your Time
Anger Management
Anger management is the process of controlling anger before this anger controls you. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, personal relationships, and sometimes even lives. Since everyone experiences anger, it is important to have constructive approaches to manage it effectively. The Anger Management course will help teach healthy ways to express anger, identify anger triggers, as well as techniques to de-escalate an angry individual. Learn how to gain control and manage anger effectively. Topics Include: Understanding Anger The Styles of Anger Gaining Control Separating the People from the Problem Working on the Problem Solving the Problem A Personal Plan Communicating Your Anger Dealing with Angry People Pulling it All Together
Adult Learning – Physical Skills
Bloom’s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. The psychomotor domain is the domain of action and physicality and it works together with the other domains when implementing it. In the Adult Learning - Physical Skills course discover how to better navigate the physical environment and learn why an understanding and coordination of physical skills provides an incredible benefit to everyone. Topics Include: Bloom’s Taxonomy Observation Imitation Manipulation Precision Articulation Naturalization Versions of Psychomotor Domain Psychomotor Measurements Skills to Consider when Planning
Adult Learning – Mental Skills
Bloom’s Taxonomy is not just for elementary school teachers. The three domains of the taxonomy apply to adult education as well. The cognitive domain is the domain of knowledge and intellect and it is the main focus of most educators. In the Adult Learning: Mental Skills course learn the specifics of how Bloom’s Taxonomy applies to adult learning and why the cognitive domain increases intellectual capability. Topics Include Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Types of Knowledge Training