Coaching Packages
(Advanced) What do you really value? eCourse
Learn what motivates yourself and others! Every day, your choices reveal what you really value – or maybe they don’t because you have never confirmed your core values. What would it mean if you could make the Right Decision Every Time? That is what you will learn to do in this What Do You Really Value? eCourse. Learn EXACTLY How To Use Your Internal Motivators (What We Call Values) as a Foundational Filter in your Daily Decisions! Determine if what you THINK is valuable is REALLY a value to you – or something that others have just expected of you. Reveal to what degree you are living your life aligned with your most important values.. Find out if your decisions and actions have been congruent with your core behavioral values. REDUCE your stress levels. Increase your resilience, grit and will power. Leave with an Action Plan to ensure your life activities align perfectly with what you REALLY Value! Included in this course are 19 Life Affirming and Transformational Lessons (plus one-on-one coaching): Values Preference Indicator (VPI) Assessment included Once completed you get your own personalized 13-page Values Preference Indicator Assessment Report 3 Hours of Easy to Comprehend Training Videos 19 Simple Modules 5-Page CRG Models Handout 12 Short and Fun Quizzes Two- Hours of live virtual coaching to support your learning! Your Personalized Certificate of Completion
(Advanced) Why Aren’t You More Like Me eCourse
Designed to show you exactly how to improve your life through mastering YOUR self-Awareness! Are You Ready to learn how to improve your life, relationships, and interactions with others? RADICALLY improve your Self-Confidence and Transform into your Best self! Learn how to Uncover the styles of others EASILY so you can communicate effectively! Once you figure out who you are, your whole world starts to change! This course helps you discover your authentic self, by increasing your effectiveness in all areas of your life. Understand the Secrets of “How to become more “Likeable” in business and life!” We will teach you how to master yourself and transform others as a leader in any field. Are you ready to radically improve your self-confidence and transform into the greatest you? Personal Style Indicator (PSI) Assessment included. Once completed you get your own personalized 20-page Personal Style Indicator Assessment Report 6 Hours of Easy to Digest Training Videos 14 Simple Modules 21 Page PSI Models Workbook 9 Short and Fun Quizzes Two- Hours of live virtual coaching to support your learning! Your Personalized Certificate of Completion
Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator
Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are an ever-growing segment of business world-wide. The statistics for long-term success, however, are less than attractive; 85 percent of all small businesses fail within the first five years of operation. Successful entrepreneurs are required to discover new problems, reveal potential niche markets, rethink their original business plan, and be innovative. At times, this is contingent on being able to step outside one’s comfort zone. This 32-page scientifically developed assessment helps you determine your inherent entrepreneurial tendencies, motivations, and propensities. Thereby, increasing your chances of entrepreneurial success in this Two-Part assessment. This package includes the Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator Assessment, Report, and one-hour of live virtual coaching. Success is not an accident. The information contained in Part One of this assessment will help you confirm and understand your Entrepreneurial Style and Preferences. In Part Two, you will rate yourself on 28 Success Factors present in research conducted on 4000 successful entrepreneurs. This assessment can assist you in doing the following: Determine your entrepreneurial strengths and preferences. Confirm how you will respond to stress, build teams, and act as a leader. Ensure you are in the right role to fit your style. Help you intentionally create a sustainable business model with the awareness of yours and your teams’ preferred styles. Help you select partners and team members who compliment you and address the gaps in your preferred operational style. Intentionally select the best entrepreneurial venture, role, and responsibilities for you. Recognize the potential consequences of gaps in your entrepreneurial success factors. Develop the mindset and character traits reflective of other successful entrepreneurs. Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your operations. Build the right team and select the right partners.
(Advanced) Quest for Purpose eCourse
A transformation and interactive process designed to show you EXACTLY how to find your purpose in life! This course is designed to help you get clear about your life direction (your WHY), discover your reason for living, confirm what motivates you while you determine what you really want to achieve in this life!. With over 80% of the population disengaged at work and only 10% living their life On Purpose, the need for this course has never been greater! We take you on a guided journey of unearthing what is most important to you. Some of what you will learn and gain in this course include: Why Meaning becomes before purpose. The Mindset required so you can succeed in life. The top ten On Purpose Character Traits require to sustain living your purpose. What you really value and why it is important. Reduced stress and increase peace and wellness. What excites and interests you in all areas of your life. Your Core Passions. Your Master Life Purpose. A clear vision and direction in all areas of your life. An action plan and a roadmap to live your life On Purpose forever. Included in this course are 32 Powerful Lessons 4 Hours of Easy to Digest Training Videos Includes the Quest for Purpose Journal in a Fillable PDF Format ($50 Value) 32 Simple Yet Powerful Modules 10 Life Roadmap Activities Includes Four Assessments ($160 Value) Personal Style Indicator Values Preference Indicator Stress Indicator and Health Planner Self-Worth Inventory A Step-by-Step Roadmap to Live Your Life On Purpose! Immediate Action Plan Your Personalized Certificate of Completion Two- Hours of live virtual coaching to support your learning!
(Basic) Quest for Purpose eCourse
A transformation and interactive process designed to show you EXACTLY how to find your purpose in life! This course is designed to help you get clear about your life direction (your WHY), discover your reason for living, confirm what motivates you while you determine what you really want to achieve in this life!. With over 80% of the population disengaged at work and only 10% living their life On Purpose, the need for this course has never been greater! We take you on a guided journey of unearthing what is most important to you. Some of what you will learn and gain in this course include: Why Meaning becomes before purpose. The Mindset required so you can succeed in life. The top ten On Purpose Character Traits require to sustain living your purpose. What you really value and why it is important. Reduced stress and increase peace and wellness. What excites and interests you in all areas of your life. Your Core Passions. Your Master Life Purpose. A clear vision and direction in all areas of your life. An action plan and a roadmap to live your life On Purpose forever. Included in this course are 32 Powerful Lessons 4 Hours of Easy to Digest Training Videos Includes the Quest for Purpose Journal in a Fillable PDF Format ($50 Value) 32 Simple Yet Powerful Modules 10 Life Roadmap Activities Includes Four Assessments ($160 Value) Personal Style Indicator Values Preference Indicator Stress Indicator and Health Planner Self-Worth Inventory A Step-by-Step Roadmap to Live Your Life On Purpose! Immediate Action Plan Your Personalized Certificate of Completion
(Basic) What do you really value? eCourse
Learn what motivates yourself and others! Every day, your choices reveal what you really value – or maybe they don’t because you have never confirmed your core values. What would it mean if you could make the Right Decision Every Time? That is what you will learn to do in this What Do You Really Value? eCourse. Learn EXACTLY How To Use Your Internal Motivators (What We Call Values) as a Foundational Filter in your Daily Decisions! Determine if what you THINK is valuable is REALLY a value to you – or something that others have just expected of you. Reveal to what degree you are living your life aligned with your most important values.. Find out if your decisions and actions have been congruent with your core behavioral values. REDUCE your stress levels. Increase your resilience, grit and will power. Leave with an Action Plan to ensure your life activities align perfectly with what you REALLY Value! Included in this course are 19 Life Affirming and Transformational Lessons Values Preference Indicator (VPI) Assessment included. Once completed you get your own personalized 13-page Values Preference Indicator Assessment Report 3 Hours of Easy to Comprehend Training Videos 19 Simple Modules 5-Page CRG Models Handout 12 Short and Fun Quizzes Your Personalized Certificate of Completion
(Basic) Why Aren’t You More Like Me eCourse
Designed to show you exactly how to improve your life through mastering YOUR self-Awareness! Are You Ready to learn how to improve your life, relationships, and interactions with others? RADICALLY improve your Self-Confidence and Transform into your Best self! Learn how to Uncover the styles of others EASILY so you can communicate effectively! Once you figure out who you are, your whole world starts to change! This course helps you discover your authentic self, by increasing your effectiveness in all areas of your life. Understand the Secrets of “How to become more “Likeable” in business and life!” We will teach you how to master yourself and transform others as a leader in any field. Are you ready to radically improve your self-confidence and transform into the greatest you? Personal Style Indicator (PSI) Assessment included. Once completed you get your own personalized 20-page Personal Style Indicator Assessment Report 6 Hours of Easy to Digest Training Videos 14 Simple Modules 21 Page PSI Models Workbook 9 Short and Fun Quizzes Your Personalized Certificate of Completion
Personal Style Indicator 360
This package includes the Personal Style Indicator 360 Assessment, Report, and one-hour of live virtual coaching. The PSI 360º can assist you to do the following: Identify how others view and experience another individual. Helps the person of “Focus” gain self-awareness on how others see them and how their behaviors are. Recognize the impact and effect that your/their interpersonal style has been having on the way you relate to. Confirm if the awareness of self – aligns and is congruent with. Better understand our style tendencies with others and learn to interact with them more effectively, to promote harmony and increase our credibility. Increase productivity and success by sharing a common language when talking with others. Facilitates conversations with the 360° feedback observes, for a deeper understanding of each others’ perceptions, providing a road map for a deeper understanding of each others’ perceptions, providing a road map for growth. This 360° Report reveals the level of congruency between the participants perception of self and how others see them. After deploying this powerful process, the next step is to have conversations on the similarities and differences between the 360° feedback and the participant. The purpose of CRG assessments are not the results, but rather what action steps are you prepared to take or share with the participants based on their feedback.
Personal Style Indicator
The #1 Personality (Personal Style) Assessment for over 40 years as rated by participants! This package includes the Personal Style Indicator Assessment, Report, and one-hour of live virtual coaching. The Personal Style Indicator provides you (and others) with self-awareness that’s positive and motivates people to take action to improve relationships – personal, professional and with yourself. The PSI comes with a 20+ page in-depth report outlining strengths as well as common areas of difficulty. The PSI is focused on development so you can proactively take your performance, and how you show up in the world, to the next level. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, thereby, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The PSI can assist you to do the following: Discover your natural predisposition to time, tasks, people, and situations! Identify your basic personal style, which is the way you prefer to respond to time, people, tasks, and situations. Gain self-understanding and self-acceptance and greater appreciation and acceptance of others. Recognize the consequences and effect of your interpersonal style and the effect your personal style has on the way you relate to others. Discover your typical reactions to stress and pressure and learn how to compensate for your weaknesses. Better understand the style tendencies of others and learn to interact with them more effectively, to promote harmony and increase your credibility. Increase your productivity and success by sharing a common language when talking with others about the style behaviors that are preferred at home or on a particular job. Determine your preferred work style and work environment to more intentionally select the best job, role, and/or career for you Develop a plan to increase your style-flexibility and effectiveness in relation to tasks and in your interactions with others Facilitate team development through the careful assessment of team-member strengths.